Termékek prefab fa lépcső (30)

Moduláris Ház -150 M² - MODERN PREFAB VILLA

Moduláris Ház -150 M² - MODERN PREFAB VILLA

Building a house has always been one of the most important decisions a person has to make in his life. While taking this decision, it is difficult to achieve the equation of building an affordable, durable, quality and aesthetic house. Prefabex is proud to offer its extensive range of modular homes that are economical, stylish, and come with a wide selection of internal and external finishing. Prefabex prefabricated homes are ideal for summer house, government social housing projects, tourist villages, permanent living spaces, employee accommodation projects and chalets.


Meleglevegő-generátorok üvegházakhoz - 43-180 kW

Meleglevegő-generátorok üvegházakhoz - 43-180 kW

Heating of greenhouses and large areas with diesel or gas hot air generators The hot air generators for greenhouses of the AM series are equipment that works completely autonomously, that is, they do not need heat dissipating elements, which reduces acquisition and installation costs. Its operation can be diesel, methane gas or propane gas and its operation is based on heating the air drawn in by the fans and driving the hot air inside the room to be heated. The main advantages over other heating systems are: - Reduction of acquisition and installation costs. - Very fast heating system. - Air diffusion can be direct or a network of ducts can be applied to channel the air into adjacent areas where the equipment has been installed. - 90% combustion efficiency.
Moduláris konténerházak - Moduláris konténerház

Moduláris konténerházak - Moduláris konténerház

La maison container est un type d’habitation récent écologique et d’une solidité à toutes épreuves. Cette maison est modulable sur des bases de 20ft (15 m²*), 40ft (30 m²*) pouvant être fusionnées, nous pouvons également vous équiper de plusieurs tailles pour différents projets de 10ft à 60ft. Elle comporte de nombreux avantages qu’ils soient économiques, écologiques et pratiques en terme de construction rapide. Dans la même logique que nos autres constructions containers, comme nos commerces modulables, nos maisons conteneurs sont très fonctionnelles, elles vous garantissent tout le confort absolu, que vous choisissiez une petite surface ou une grande superficie. Aujourd’hui, à l’aube de notre génération, nous pouvons créer, dessiner la maison conteneur de vos rêves les plus fous et la commander facilement. Nos professionnels de l’architecture vous conseilleront sur cette maison en kit, ou autre module, pour vous donner les possibilités peut être encore inconnues...
Előregyártott Moduláris Tantermek

Előregyártott Moduláris Tantermek

Las aulas modulares prefabricadas de MModos reúnen todas las características necesarias para facilitar nuevos espacios aptos para la enseñanza. Todos los materiales de nuestras aulas modulares cumplen con los requisitos más estrictos en materia de calidad y durabilidad, como pasa en módulos prefabricados de larga duración y uso definitivo, de nuestra fábrica. En Mmodos contamos con una amplia experiencia en el desarrollo de aulas modulares prefabricadas con diferente configuración. Desde escuelas infantiles prefabricadas y guarderías modulares a salas de juegos y gimnasios, pasando por salas de informática y de idiomas, espacios de almacenaje y otros espacios para el desarrollo de la enseñanza. Las aulas prefabricadas de MModos son altamente demandadas por clientes que buscan elevados estándares en seguridad, confort y versatilidad. Estas aulas también lucen un aspecto atractivo tanto interior como exteriormente.
előregyártott ház - előregyártott ikerház

előregyártott ház - előregyártott ikerház

ÖZELLİKLER 1-Yanmaz , su, nem geçirmeyen ve bakım gerektirmeyen(Türkiye’de ilk ve tek TSE-CE belgeli)betopan panel dış ve iç duvarlar. 2-İç panel kalınlığı 6cm, dış panel kalınlığı 10cm. 3-İç Kapılar Amerikan panel ahşap kapı isteğe göre pvc olabilir, pencere ve vasistaslar pvc doğrama, camlar-(çift cam 4+12+4mm) 4-Alçıpan asma tavan, çatı kaplama malzemesi, çatı ve duvarların izolasyon malzemeleri, (TSE standartlarında)Camyünü veya isteğe bağlı Taşyünü. 5-İsteğe bağlı olarak ters tavan uygulaması yapılır. 6-Vitrifiye ürünleri''duş teknesi, klozet, lavabo, eviye dolabı'' )(TSE standartlarında) 7-Elektirik tesisat malzemeleri, (TSE standartlarında)Sıva altı olarak yapılır. 8-Sıhhi tesisat malzemeleri sıva altı olup TSE standartlarındadır. 9-Dış-iç ve tavan boyaları TSE standartlarına uygundur.DÜFA Marka. 10-Altçeve ve tavan makasları ve tüm metal aksamın tamamı galvaniz(paslanmaz) sac malzemeden oluşmaktadır. 11-Çatıda boyalı trapez galvaniz sac kullanılmaktadır.
Megfizethető Előregyártott Ház - TKMCS 210 Modell

Megfizethető Előregyártott Ház - TKMCS 210 Modell

Este modelo en forma de L es muy práctico y personalizado. 180 M2, 2 plantas, 2 dormitorios, 2 baños
Prefabrikált Ház - Prefabrikált házak több specifikációban

Prefabrikált Ház - Prefabrikált házak több specifikációban

Mavi Prefabric company produces Prefabricated Houses in several sizes and specifications
Prefabrikált Ház - Török Prefabrikált Házak

Prefabrikált Ház - Török Prefabrikált Házak

Prefabrik Evin tüm sıhhi tesisat ve aksesuarları, elektrik tesisat ve armatürleri plan ve şartnameye uygun şekilde yapılmaktadır. KolayPrefabrik.com Prefabrik Evleri; Çevreye duyarlıdır Hızlı ve ekonomiktir Temiz ve moderndir Depreme dayanıklı ve ısı yalıtımlıdır Tüm coğrafi bölgelerde kullanıma uygundur Prefabrik Ev 10 cm. kalınlığında ısı yalıtımlı dış duvarlar ve 6 cm. kalınlığında ısı yalıtımlı iç duvarlardan oluşur. Duvar yüksekliği 250 cm.’dir. Tavan arasında yalıtım için Camyünü kullanılarak komple bütünleyici yalıtım uygulaması yapılmaktadır. Duvarlar ve çatı birbirine metal bağlantı elemanları aracılığıyla vidalı sistemle bağlanmaktadır. Bu mekanizma depreme dayanıklılığı sağlamaktadır.
Előregyártott elektromos kabinák

Előregyártott elektromos kabinák

La #Bgroupitalia si propone, con efficienza e professionalità, nelle forniture di Cabine Elettriche Prefabbricate a servizio di Impianti Eolici. L'esperienza acquisita nel corso degli ultimi anni ha di fatto hanno specializzato e affermato la B Group Italia anche nel settore delle Energie Rinnovabili. Le cabine elettriche prodotte dalla B Group Italia risultano infatti perfette per accogliere le apparecchiature a supporto degli impianti di produzione di energia eolica.
Ökoépítészetben Készült Prefabrikált Ház - Energiatakarékos prefabrikált ház Xlam panel rendszerrel készült

Ökoépítészetben Készült Prefabrikált Ház - Energiatakarékos prefabrikált ház Xlam panel rendszerrel készült

Villetta prefabbricata realizzata con sistema costruttivo XLAM, ottimo comportamento al sisma, elevate prestazioni energetiche grazie ad un cappotto termico in fibra di legno ad alta densità!!. Se foste interessati e voleste ricevere maggiori informazioni potete contattare i nostri tecnici al numero 3471036594, oppure visitare il nostro sito www.isolpan.com. Saremo lieti di rispondere a tutte le vostre domande
Előregyártott faházak - Profilált rönképítmények fa hőkezelés

Előregyártott faházak - Profilált rönképítmények fa hőkezelés

WE OFFER: Profiled log production according to customers request and plan P rofiled log construction of: residential wooden buildings (houses, cottages, townhomes); commercial wooden buildings (restaurants, cafes, offices, hotels, shops); outbuildings (bathhouses, saunas, arbors, garden houses) W ood heat treatment of: beam, boards (front, terrace, parquet), decking, objects and details for construction and decor We are ready to cooperate and perform the best implementation of customers requests
PAESMA - Fém szerkezetek és építkezések

PAESMA - Fém szerkezetek és építkezések

Fundada há mais de 70 anos. Somos especializados no fabrico e construção de: • Moradias; • Unidades industriais e comerciais; • Escolas; • Edifícios desportivos; • Edifícios públicos; • Projetos chave na mão; • Produção de equipamentos; • Produção em subcontratação de peças mecânicas e metálicas.
Önálló építésű faház készletek - Magas minőségű fából készült faházak

Önálló építésű faház készletek - Magas minőségű fából készült faházak

High quality self build lodge home kits for self assembly on your site in France and Spain, All elements supplied, Double glazed units, Twin wall, Insulation, Bespoke to your layout plans,
faház Franciaország

faház Franciaország

wooden house France
Kétszemélyes fából készült kocsibeálló műhellyel

Kétszemélyes fából készült kocsibeálló műhellyel

Dimensions: L 557 x  P 708 x Ht 254 cm Surface:   39,43 m2 Structure: Poteaux 115 x 115 mm Qualité: Pin naturel traité autoclave Atelier: 275 x 164 x 220 de haut + porte Inclus: panneaux lateraux Couverture:  Plaque de toit en aluminium Hauteur de passage:  221cm Dimensions:L 557 x  P 708 x Ht 254 cm Surface:39,43 m2 Structure:Poteaux 115 x 115 mm Qualité:Pin naturel traité autoclave Atelier:275 x 164 x 220 de haut + porte Inclus:panneaux lateraux Couverture:Plaque de toit en aluminium Hauteur de passage:221cm
ThermoEP-150 Folyékony ECM Epoxi Gyanta

ThermoEP-150 Folyékony ECM Epoxi Gyanta

ThermoEP-150 ist ein flüssiges Kunststoff-Dichtungsmaterial auf Epoxidharzbasis, das zur Verkapselung von Chips verwendet werden kann. Im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Kunststoffdichtungsmaterialien kann ThermoEP-150 je nach Anforderung mit unterschiedlichen Beschichtungsgeräten verarbeitet und verwendet werden und bietet die Vorteile einer kontrollierbaren Fließfähigkeit, einer hohen Produktionseffizienz und einer hohen Haftung. Gleichzeitig kann ThermoEP-150 mit dem Chip verbunden werden und eine Verpackungsfunktion übernehmen. Herkunft:China
SL544 - 500 kg súlyú tolókapukhoz való működtető.

SL544 - 500 kg súlyú tolókapukhoz való működtető.

Motoriduttore a 24Vdc con encoder integrato. Dotato di wizard set-up per una programmazione semplificata. RTC integrato per gestione timers e log eventi. Velocità regolabile con rampe di accelerazione e fermata. Corpo ingranaggi interamente realizzato in acciaio e bronzo. Possibilità di integrare batterie tampone per un funzionamento garantito anche in caso di black-out elettrico. Tecnologia integrata per rilevazione ostacoli autocalibrante.


Olcsó Modulház - 49 m² - Legolcsóbb Modulházak

Olcsó Modulház - 49 m² - Legolcsóbb Modulházak

Our cheapest modular homes are gaining immense popularity as they are affordable, and flexible. They are also built indoors to reduce construction costs and construction waste.
Acélvázú Ház - 131m² - előregyártott és moduláris acélház

Acélvázú Ház - 131m² - előregyártott és moduláris acélház

Prefabex steel frame homes are built inside a giant factory and then delivered to your location. They're made in cold formed galvanized steel profiles as the main bearing building structure that is built off site and assembled on site.


Our Prefabricated homes are gaining immense popularity as they are affordable, and flexible . They are also built indoors to reduce construction costs and construction waste. All of prefabex modular homes are customizable to fit your needs. Our modular home plans are a great way to see what is possible, but if you have something else in mind, we are happy to work with you to make your vision come to life. Prefabex prefabricated house is a good choice to help you start preparing for the future during construction. To give you the best modular houses we are using best quality steel and insulation materials while making a house. Prefab modular houses can be disassembled and rebuilt at different places. We specialize in providing high-performance, super energy efficient, using a flexible, modular and light steel building method. We purpose to supply you with a high quality, modern, sustainable home, with net zero capabilities.


Our Prefabricated homes are gaining immense popularity as they are affordable, and flexible . They are also built indoors to reduce construction costs and construction waste. All of prefabex modular homes are customizable to fit your needs. Our modular home plans are a great way to see what is possible, but if you have something else in mind, we are happy to work with you to make your vision come to life. Prefabex prefabricated house is a good choice to help you start preparing for the future during construction. To give you the best modular houses we are using best quality steel and insulation materials while making a house. Prefab modular houses can be disassembled and rebuilt at different places. We specialize in providing high-performance, super energy efficient, using a flexible, modular and light steel building method. We purpose to supply you with a high quality, modern, sustainable home, with net zero capabilities.
Alacsony Költségű Modulház - 54 m² - Alacsony Költségű Modulházak

Alacsony Költségű Modulház - 54 m² - Alacsony Költségű Modulházak

Our prefabricated homes are residences unit in a controlled factory environment in sections, or modules, and then transported to the construction site. There, they are installed on permanent foundations and completed by professional team installers.
Moduláris Ház - 126 m² - LUXUS PREFAB HÁZ

Moduláris Ház - 126 m² - LUXUS PREFAB HÁZ

Our prefabricated homes are residences unit in a controlled factory environment in sections, or modules, and then transported to the construction site. There, they are installed on permanent foundations and completed by professional team installers. The modular house buildings have become more and more popular worldwide as the quickest solution for ready residences built. Prefabex offer Wide range of architectural solutions including external and internal options for finishing. Prefabex modular house buildings are more comfortable, efficient, better places to live. All of our modular homes and commercial structures are built using sustainable materials, systems, and practices. Building is cost-effective, because it enables the customer to save on expenses made on workforce and also construction materials. Our custom solutions with modular homes are :cape homes, bungalows, townhomes, colonial house, town villa , split ranch, cape cod house, prefab home studio, ranch modular homes, External Wall:10 cm Exterior Door:Steel Door Electrical Installation:Under Plaster Sanitary Installation:Under Plaster Interior Wall2:10 cm Interior Door:American Door Windows:PVC Double Glass Window Roof Coating:Painted Metal Tile, Shingle (Optional ) Living Room:27 m² Room:16 m² Room:11.5 m² Bedroom:6 m² Hall:16 m² Porch:11 m² W.C.:3 m²
58 M2 Előregyártott Irodaház - Moduláris Irodák - Kereskedelmi Megoldás

58 M2 Előregyártott Irodaház - Moduláris Irodák - Kereskedelmi Megoldás

Whether the prefabricated office building is for the Construction Offices, Administrative & Management Offices, Engineering & Project Management Site Offices, Substation Offices, Emergency Offices, or communication industry we can produce a manufactured office building to meet your expectations. Our prefabricated office buildings are constructed to the same standards as conventional buildings. Prefabex modular offices provide a great solution for short-term office swing-space and also long-term permanent space needs. When flexibility and cost-effectiveness are at the top of your list, prefabricated office buildings are a great solution. You can choose from a wide selection of floor plans available or customize your own plan to fit in with your worksite. Building Height:250 cm Exterior Door:Aluminum Door Windows:PVC Double Glass Window Sanitary Installation:Under Plaster Exterior Paint:Silicone Exterior Painting External Wall /Interior Wall:10 cm /10 cm Interior Door:American Door Roof Coating:Paint Trapez Hair, Metal Tile (Optional)), Shingle (Optional ) Electrical Installation:Under Plaster Interior Paint:Plastic Interior Facade Paint